The cultural journalist Javier Moreno discusses in his weekly section the difficulty of proving that something exists and the even greater difficulty of proving that something does not exist. Go to download Moreno points out that the problem of existence is one of the most complex in philosophy, since it is about demonstrating without any doubt that something really exists regardless of our ability or inability to perceive it. The paradigmatic case is that of the existence of God, of which we have no proof, in the conventional sense of the word “proof.” Therefore, it is not possible to say definitively that God exists, but it is not possible to affirm that “God does not exist.” Both are “dogmatic” responses. The same applies to the popular thesis about “mother ships” that supposedly launch the cayucos towards the Canary Islands from the high seas. Affirming its existence without any proof, says Moreno, is reckless and an intellectual error, but proving its non-existence is equally reckless. Moreno wonders how this problem is solved in everyday situations. In his opinion, the only possible solution is pragmatic: what works best is what we believe. Thus, in principle it does not matter whether immigrants arrive by their own forces or by mother ships, because for most of the task “it is irrelevant.” The part of the task you are interested in, the police investigation, depends on evidence, that is, discovering some indication that such mother ships exist. If that is evidence, “the theory that they are launched from a mother ship has the same value as the theory that they are launched from a flying saucer.
Cancer doesn't wait Linear accelerator | Photo: SAN ROQUE HOSPITALS Linear accelerator | Photo: SAN ROQUE HOSPITALS Pedro Lara, head of Oncology at San Roque University Hospitals, encourages patients not to delay medical consultations and treatments for fear of contracting covid-19. Go to download Every day in Spain, 300 people die from some type of cancer, a figure much higher than the WhatsApp Number List victims of covid-19. For this reason, Pedro Lara calls for attention to this disease not to be neglected due to an exaggerated fear of the “remote” probability of contracting the virus in a hospital. The doctor points out that in recent months there has been a certain delay in going to hospitals for people who require a type of test or need treatment for this disease, something that is also happening with acute coronary diseases: “Now we are seeing patients "They arrive with cancer in a more advanced state, but cancer does not wait." Risk patients Pedro Lara points out that cancer patients are a risk group if they are receiving treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which can depress the immune system to some extent. But this only affects people who are in active treatment, since those who have already overcome it are not at greater risk than other people.

Education will hire 51 counselors and 50 educators for the next course Francisco Rodríguez, acting president of the Official College of Social Educators of the Canary Islands, points out that both figures can contribute to the better development of the most vulnerable minors. Go to download The Department of Education of the Government of the Canary Islands has announced the hiring of 51 counselors and 50 social educators for this course. The former are oriented to the attention of students in school and curricular aspects, while the latter, Francisco Rodríguez points out, are born from “three legs”: adult education, social work and sociocultural animation. Both tasks are complementary, and the social educator can contribute to the well-being of the most vulnerable students, responding to the objectives of the framework of the Territorial Cooperation Program for Educational Guidance, Advancement and Enrichment #PROA+. 1400 centers Each school center will establish the needs that social educators must cover. However, the Ministry only contemplates hiring 50, when the number of centers amounts to 1,400: "A figure of fifty may be small, but it is relevant to serve the most vulnerable population." Rodríguez points out that there are many centers that have requested the position of social educator and he does not know based on what criteria it will be awarded. Ley Rhodes This measure is also part of the so-called Rhodes Law, whose objective is to protect children from all types of violence. Francisco Rodríguez recalls that this regulation will still have to have an autonomous development that adapts it to the needs of the Canary Islands.