So the question is not whether a dual operating system will work but can it function sustain itself within a defined organizational structure producing measurable value and improvement for bottom line results i.e. To Accelerate Your Business. VALDIS KREBS CHIEF SCIENTIST ORGNET LLC Yes Two interacting operating systems each with it s own focus. Been mapping and measuring these organizational structures prescribed emergent for years. This is what they look like... orgnet Wirearchy.pdf KAPIL KUMAR.
SOPORY COMPANY SECRETARY SMEC INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Kotter is a proponent of speedy result oriented focused action to meet the challenges being brought about due to speedy changes taking place in all spheres. Along side emotion motion must not be lost sight of. The old systems are redundant and need to be examined for bringing about drastic Chinese Overseas America Number Data changes to meet the needs of the present times. XLR is a very worthwhile treatise. LEN NANJAD ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN CONSULTANT COREINTERNATIONAL Is a different manager accountable for the results from hierarchy operating system from that of the network operating system How do they integrate We have have been implementing what we call Management Systems similar to the concept of operating systems for decades.
The hierarchy meant for operational management can also work for innovation management as long as clear accountabilities for the nature and complexity of the innovation work required are set at each level of the hierarchy. The network operating system might simply be opening of the doors to the skunk works and applying a clear accountability for that type of work. is needed to break down silos Certain parts of silos need to remain intact but the parts that create innovation need to bleed structurally between them using networked operating structure to achieve the required results. Book Excerpt ‘Accelerate Building Strategic Agility for a Faster Moving World’ Management and leadership are not the same thing. But which is more important to a growing innovative organization An excerpt from John Kotter s new book Accelerate Building Strategic Agility for a Faster Moving World.