Focus on results that provide value for your business and let metrics help you decide if you should move on to a new strategy or tweak your current one OverOptimize Your Site for Keywords When people figured out specific patterns in content that Google prefers they of course tried to game it One common bad habit Ive seen of webmasters is to use a plugin that scores the SEO value of their content and then they try to write content meant for robot crawlers not for human readers Your content should never be written for Googles
crawlers like following a strict checklist of keyword density order and number of words or any other form of an excessive optimization strategy Your content should be written for humans with a simple goal of increasing sales Google doesnt automatically know India Phone Number whether your content is unique and valuable human engagement decides that so focus on creating good content that people want to read Participate in spammy link exchanges is to participate in link exchanges Even if you think your content is valuable the fact its published on a low authority spammy website will lower your reputation
Getting links is the purpose of link building but you want quality referrals from trusted domains When Google penalizes a link exchange network they typically penalize all sites involved Dont make the mistake of assuming quantity of links is better than qualityAre you thinking about the best ways to improve your business If so then you might want to start with the goal of getting more attention for your company There are plenty of businesses online and offline that dont see nearly as much attention as they deserve.