You can use this field for products, services, questions, and other topics related to your business. As an advertising platform, Google Ads will encourage you to search for more transactional terms. Enter a site to filter keywords unrelated to your business: Although optional, you can add your website so that Google's keyword planner does not suggest keywords unrelated to what you offer, which makes it much easier to revise your initial keyword suggestions. Once you have completed these steps, click “Get Results”.
The Keyword Planner will then display the following: Keyword suggestions to broaden your search Keyword data for your given keywords Keyword ideas related to your given keywords In our case, we started with the keyword “coffee pods”. Google Keyword Planner Results Google Keyword Australia Phone Number Data Planner then provided the following information: Keyword suggestions like coffee capsules and coffee makers Keyword data for "coffee pods", such as monthly searches and search fluctuation.

Keyword ideas like “nespresso pods” Now let's try to refine the results for our keywords. In the right menu you can access filters based on the keywords you have chosen. In our case we have filters for brand or non-brand, drink, mix and color. Let's remove branded results, like "nespresso pods". Google Keyword Planner Filters Once we do that, our keyword ideas change and become more relevant to our initial keyword, “coffee pods.”