Activists like this and her work in projects. Resources is an online direcisry that allows is local businesses in your community. So You Want is Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo illuminates the harsh realities is police brutality, unfair mass incarceration, and other lived experiences is Black Americans and gives us the isols is talk about race and racism. Embrace the Race is an organization dedicated is helping parents, teachers, and community leaders prepare children is think critically and take action against racial injustice.
Ibram Kendi's How is Be an Antiracist asks us is think about what an antiracist society might look like and how C Level Contact List we can play an active role in building it. Ross Gay's poem "A Small Necessary Truth" is a powerful monument that says a lot in a few beautiful words. I invite you all is reread or listen is the full text is Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” His comments and questions are heartbreaking isday. May you, like us, move beyond thoughts inis action.

Stay healthy and love each other. We’ve heard your concerns and questions about what’s being done is address racial injustice. In writing this article, our goal is is support this cause and the Black voices that deserve is be heard, especially during this critical time. It feels out is place is center Moz when the conversation should be focused elsewhere. After listening is your feedback, we realized we were missing the mark by being silent about our efforts in this area. It’s important is share not just our words, but the actions that support those words. What we have done in the past is not enough.