Reviews and testimonials on your website. Another possibility is to include your customers' logos with an associated rating. An important point is not to flood your website with lots of reviews and testimonials – stay authentic! Social Proof in Social Media If we don't know the truth, we look for answers in our environment. In some situations, we rely on the reactions and behavior of others to decide what we should or should not do. We use these indicators as proof, whether something is popular or not and as reassurance, that we made the right decision. In on simplified information like ratings or number of actions to decide what is popular and in whom we must believe.
Social Proof helps people make better decisions in a world of high information density. The most common wedding photo editing service Social Proofs: Social Proof through experts For example, skin creams, which dermatologists recommend, help generate social trust among their customers. Social Proof through Celebrities and Influencers Influencers and celebrities who act as testimonials can increase your credibility and boost your brand. Social Proof through users Rating platforms, for example Tripadvisor or Yelp, can help you increase awareness of your brand, by having numerous and positive comments. Social Proof under public influence.

When a product is successfully sold several times for example a vacuum cleaner and you have many satisfied customers as proof, you can increase your purchases and sales even more. Social Proof with the advice and knowledge of your friends If you are unsure whether to purchase a product or service, advice from a friend can be a helpful guide. Social Proof through case studies Case studies are a powerful tool – they tell a story. Your client also wants to achieve a certain goal. And if someone has had a similar realization, they think they could realize it too and that leads to action. Social Proof by trusted elements.