Although I move forward with this opinion to another of the questions that arise, I think that although there are many people with great solidarity spirit, unfortunately they are not the majority and less when we move in the business field. Tall (which is understood logical since a company is created to earn money) but my experience makes me think that solidarity, many times, is shown with the sole purpose of winning customers. I believe that Big Data will favor the consolidation of new business monopolies, which is also the trend in general, disappearance of small businesses because they do not have the means available to the greats, increasingly more and more.
I respond to scientific advances, although money moves the Denmark WhatsApp Number Data world and will always benefit more who has the most economic means, in the end it has a greater or lesser extent, throughout the population. In relation to the last question that arises, is business responsibility without a background to improve the image in front of the consumer or do we really talk about companies that seek to contribute to a better society? I think there are entrepreneurs truly with good intentions and that is great, because thanks to their struggle they will contribute to improving the world.

I think the majority, as I said before, just seeks to look good with consumers to capture new customers. Accede to answer Alex Thanks María Mercedes. A very interesting topic. I think Big Data and business models around and social are contributing a lot to our society and even more soon. I like to think that we are facing a new social company model, and I think about it because we need it and now. I think there is no alternative to capitalism but to that new model that you comment and that it awares the system. Companies have long taken social awareness and that is seen in their social responsibility plans in their economic memories.