本帖最後由 mdsohanuzzaman1 於 2024-3-2 15:20 編輯
See free classes! Step 5: Define the market you are targeting Investors seek to make the most of their investments, so you have to convince them that there is a market large enough to create a company of significant size with the possibility of growth. Who are you addressing? What segments?What is the size of the market? See how Airbnb did it: market size Pitch Deck Step 6: Analyze your competition Additionally, try to identify and analyze your direct and indirect competition , including what your future competition is.
Specify what they do better than you and what you do better than them, what can you learn from Cambodia Phone Number Data these profiles? Airbnb did it like this: Pitch Deck competition Step 7: Detail your business model One of the most interesting points for investors is this slide because in the end it is what really shows how your business is going to work, how you are going to make money and what expectations you have. Pitch Deck business model Step 8: Introduce your team This step is very important since investors invest in people and one of the keys is that you and your team are qualified to carry the project forward.

So introduce your team, explain to them what skills you have and why you are the right people to do it. Step 9: Traction To highlight the previous point even more, add what you have achieved or the milestones you have already achieved with your project: visits, clients, sales... Step 10: Incorporate financial data Finally, it is advisable to incorporate historical data and main magnitudes of your business but without excessive detail: balance sheet, results, cash flows.