Thanks to this function you have the opportunity to show up and possibly send your customer a targeted promotion to encourage them to come back to you. Advice and insights One final piece of advice related to the points card used within your WhatsApp Marketing strategy for your farm concerns the prize up for grabs. I suggest that you do not apply the classic percentage discount on your next purchase but give away one of your products such as for example a jar of honey.
On the surface it might seem very similar in concept it is a gift and therefore a reduction of a possible profit just like a discount. The mere fact of giving a gift gives your gesture a positive and generous connotation. Furthermore consider the possibility that your customerPhone Number Data by trying your honey will fall in love with it and after that will start buying it consistently. Finally find out how to create a website for the acquisition of new customers thanks to a program that rewards them for purchases and other actions with points that become discounts. Sell your agricultural products through WhatsApp Business sell agricultural products online Selling products from your farm or farm online is not that simple.
The biggest difficulty lies in the fact that traditional ecommerce manage the product as an object to which you have to associate title description price variants etc. Price is precisely the great obstacle of traditional ecommerce. Lets take the example of fruit and vegetables. If your customer wants to purchase the products of your land from the comfort of his home he may not necessarily want to purchase a quantity equal to one or more boxes. If they can rely on for example your home delivery service they may have the freedom to order small quantities and different varieties. This situation is very difficult to apply in an ecommerce if you apply for example a weight per kg.