If you click on Display in its dropdown menu a new window opens automatically. As a platform Facebook is subject to socalled push marketing . This means that every advertiser can use the reach to make their product known. The counterpart to push marketing is pull marketing . The ads in the social network ensure that the necessary information such as the name of the product is pushed to potential customers for the search query. Facebook also serves as a basis for creating awareness of a brand or product.
Advertising Manager and Business Manager In Ads Manager you have an overview Phone Number List ofand the different campaigns of the advertising accounts. Using the burger menu at the top left you can view and download invoices create target groups and campaign reports among many other options. Advertising Manager and Business Manager Business Manager is relevant when multiple advertising accounts and Facebook pages need to be managed.
It also offers the possibility of granting various rights to people who can work on the organic content of the Facebook page or on the advertising campaigns. External employees can be invited to the Business Manager for example employees of the customer for whom the ads are to be published on Facebook. Facebook provides instructions for creating a business manager If you only work alone in a single advertising account using the business manager makes sense if you want to manage advertising accounts pages Instagram accounts and Facebook pixels clearly.