JK Rowling,
Techniques, writing styles and other tools to increase the quality of your content. When you are already familiar with what they ask for in a certain guideline, you develop the content in a much more natural and fluid way, unlike those who need to investigate what it is about and who, without any previous experience, launch into trying to get it right. . A client may request a narrative, journalistic, opinion text, or even demand the use of storytelling techniques toenrich the text. Previously studying the techniques allows you to exercise and Jiangsu Mobile Phone Number List correct training flaws, and not when your authority as an editor is at stake, as well as your client's satisfaction. A good suggestion is to stratify your studies. Take time to summarize texts, improve phrases you find on the web, create dialogues between characters, develop metaphors, etc. Develop your creativity You may not know it, but your creativity can be as incredible as that of JK Rowling,
author of Harry Potter, muse, queen, absolute of writing. In uncertainty, work this skill like a raw "philosopher's stone" that needs daily doses of stimulation. At this point, almost anything goes. Read about various topics, about your specialty, write an opinion blog, take dance and movement classes, talk with experts, make up stories for your children, cook and an endless list of actions. And why this breadth of possibilities? Because as long as you are attentive to the incentives that that action is offering you, your creativity will be developing. Thus, in some situations the development of creativity will be directed at some