Engagement: the practical guide for leaders and managers
Food How it works For you For Psychologists For businesses Blog Login MENTAL HEALTH BLOG Editorials Materials Testes search no blog Engagement: the practical guide for leaders and managers November 30, 2023 Reading time: 14 minutes Employer Branding All We broke a historic record: engagement in companies has never been so low. According to a Gallup study, almost 80% of employees are not engaged at work worldwide. In Brazil, this rate has a minimal drop, 72%. This means that less than 3 out of 10 employees are performing at their best. The situation is critical, but not all is lost. To reverse this situation, we need to understand once and for all what engagement is, why it is so low and what we can do to change this in practice. Continue reading to understand each of these aspects and much more! summary After all, what is engagement? The pillars of engagement What is the relationship between engagement and psychological well-being? Options for measuring engagement How to increase professional engagement? After all, what is engagement? Much is said about employee engagement, but concepts such as engagement and motivation, for example, are commonly confused.This is because a motivated employee can be engaged, yes, but it is not an obligation. This is because motivation has much more to do with a state of psychological excitement that is usually temporary. Engagement is a more mature concept. It is not limited to mere animation, it has much more to do with purpose, building a future and achieving a professional mission. For this to happen, however, the company needs to do Brazil Phone Number Data its part. It is no coincidence that engagement numbers are so low in Brazil and around the world. The Gallup survey , cited above, tells us that engaged teams have: A 41% lower number of absences than companies with disengaged employees; A 58% drop in work accidents; 59% reduction in the turnover rate; 10% higher customer satisfaction rates; 17% increase in productivity; 20% increase in sales; 21% increase in profits. The pillars of engagement There is no magic formula. In fact, when we talk about human behavior, it is necessary to understand that all solutions will be multifactorial and will require changes in behavior from the organization itself.
Want to see an example? The Gallup survey also cited that 70% of the variance in worker engagement is due to the immediate leader's attitude. In other words, responsible and trained leadership knows what to do to promote this behavior. At the same time, high employee engagement is the 3rd most likely factor (71%) to bring success to the organization , according to the report The Impact of Employee Engagement on Performance , from Harvard Business Review. And, so that you can help your leaders, we will eliminate the mystery and show you what it takes to generate commitment and commitment. Give clear guidance and make coherent assessments The first step is precisely a leadership role: directing each employee to what they need to do and showing how their tasks relate to the company's objectives. Not doing this is killing any possibility of engagement. After all, how are people going to engage if they aren’t even clear about the actions they need to take? Without each employee understanding exactly what their role is, that is, what their mission is in the company, not only is their effort reduced, but presenteeism increases. After all, as writer Mário Sérgio Cortella says, if what keeps the professional in the company is just the job, he won't be as committed.