Examples of direct information leakage channels
The second group includes chains that do not request access to special information system equipment. Direct channels require access to hardware. Here are examples of indirect channels of information leakage: Loss, theft or misplacement of an information storage device, examination of an unremoved recycle bin. Listening, remote shots. Interception of electromagnetic devices.: Human factor. Data leakage due to non-compliance with trade secrets.Direct data copying. Data leakage channels are divided Australia Phone Number Dataaccording to physical parameters and operating features: sound – listening devices, recording, eavesdropping; sound-electric - receiving data via sound waves and then sending it through electrical networks; vibration-sound - signals that appear as a result of the transformation of sound waves when they act on elements of building structures or engineering systems; optical : photo and video filming, visual observation; electromagnetic - obtaining information by removing inductive interference; radio and electrical signals from built-in listening systems; material - providing data on paper or other information media.
Types of information leakage channels Types of information leakage channels Channels of technical information leakage, depending on the type of communication systems, are divided into: Electromagnetic Electromagnetic radiation from transmitting communications means transformed by an information signal can be intercepted by mobile equipment of radio intelligence services and transmitted to a special center for processing and decoding the data. This channel is very popular for eavesdropping on conversations on mobile devices or a regular telephone. Electric This channel is also used to intercept telephone conversations.