Look for conversations related to
Your professional area and participate constructively: Answer questions from your sector Congratulate other professionals for shared achievements Share your knowledge Connect more personally with other professionals through Direct Messages If you go to events , get noticed using the official hashtag This way, in addition to uploading your normal publications, you will also interact with other professionals in the sector to establish synergies or network online. Post high interest threads Twitter or X threads are sequences of posts , and they have increased in popularity since it has been proven that people love to share them. The depth with which the content is written demonstrates your experience and knowledge in the area , establishing your profile as a reliable source.Additionally, the sequential nature of the threads List Of Real Mobile Number List encourages users to follow you so as not to miss future similar posts . This, added to the fact that the threads can be shared like a normal tweet, increasing the visibility of your profile to reach broader audiences and obtaining more followers. In this example we can see a technology account that talks about the most useful keyboard shortcuts, and that has reached more than million impressions (yes, you read that correctly). The most important thing for your thread to go viral is to cover a topic of general interest , so that when it reaches a lot of people, it continues to be interesting to almost anyone. If we upload a thread about something technical, it is likely that when we reach new audiences the viral effect will stop, since the new audience will not have interest in sharing it.
Upload posts with memes Memes have been, for years, an insatiable source of likes and shares . They are ideal for making your publication go viral. As much as possible, create your own memes that are as closely related as possible to your area of activity . Thus, improving the chances of going viral and gaining new followers. Post every day to show interest and activity Although posting every day does not ensure you have more followers, it will increase your chances of some content going viral . If you post once a week, you will only have chance a week to get visibility.